Tiedin Media is very proud to work together with PinkTie - an organization that works tirelessly to give back locally direclty to charities and organizations involved with various causes on Long Island.
A PinkTie initiative, along with partners raised over $250,000 to build STEM learning classrooms for Mariano Rivera's Learning Center in New Rochelle, NY.
The developers of the North Fork Gatweay at Ridge knew that the real estate experience behind Tiedin Media would amplify their brand awareness and lead generation.
A title insurace website that focuses on the next generation of buyers. Logos, branding, messaging, content creation, and website was created by our Tiedin team.
Pulling together many resources and experienced professionals, The NCAG website brings together a wealth of experience and solutions for builders and developers.
Having worked with TiedIn on content creation and video production, The ASB Law group trusted TiedIn to integrate their website with their MILESTONES™ service.